The facial massage tool should be used on clean skin.

  • Apply a few drops of Humanity Cosmetics Defence +6 Recovery Serum to the face, this improves the performance of the massage tool and the tool improves the penetration of the Defence +6 Recovery Serum
  • The tool should be held at a 15 to 45 degree angle to the skin.  The angle changes depending on the area being worked on and the part of the too being used
  • See our face diagram to see the different directions you should be following for each area and the tool image to see which parts of the tool are suitable for each facial area
  • Each movement should be repeated 4 to 5 times
  • Using only light pressure (especially around the eye area) start off on the back bone, from top of shoulders to base of skull, using upward movements, work around the neck to the front, then repeat on the other side
  • Work from the chin up to the forehead, following the diagram, starting on the jawline, 4-5 movements on the right side, then repeat on the left side
  • Follow the above directions for each position on the facial diagram
  • Once finished apply your moisturiser and eye restore as usual
  • The tool should be cleaned in warm water using a little washing-up liquid, well rinsed and left to dry naturally
  • Do not use the tool if you have acne / breakouts, rashes, cold sores, eye infections or any other problem which can easily be spread or are contagious